Who am I? (Qui suis-je?): About Me

photo (4)It’s been many years since I studied French. I’m trying to be exotic. Just humor me.

Who am I?
A mom looking for an identity that makes me happy. As long as I’m a stay at home mom, society will call me “just a mom” (as I’ve been called). But we moms know better than that.

So now I’m concentrating on my beading and photography. I took my first bead class when my son was born to get out of the house. I was hooked. I made mostly baby bracelets and gifts to friends and family. I thought It was a shame to give away  all this stuff when I can be putting my talent to work. So now I started selling my jewelry online 🙂

And as for the photography, I’m starting to take classes so I can make this my career.

Being a mom is not always an easy job. First of all, you work for free. Who works for free nowadays? I guess crazy people like me. But I think it’s worth it. My son is very intelligent, thanks to me 🙂 Yeah, I’m bragging, but I’m not kidding. People have told me that he’s extremely smart.

So welcome to my blog of art and family. You can join my world if you’re crazy enough.

Because I work for free (stay at home mom), I’m always finding the cheap ways to get around everything. Like buying beads to support my habit!

things I like to do
shopping (if I had money)
traveling (if I had money)
beading of course (even though I don’t have the money)
photography of course
joking with my son
watching movies with my husband

things I hate to do or hate period
cleaning (yawn)
organizing (boring!)
making up a grocery list (ugh!)
food shopping (gag! Luckily my great husband does that)
washing my hair (what a project, especially relaxing and dying it)
people that argue over things they have no knowledge about

And that is who I am…l’artiste affamé (the starving artist), and I’m sticking to my story!

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