I Love My Family


What a frustrating photo shoot! I usually do not use the self timer on my camera, so I always forget how to use it. On my Nikon 5100 it’s a lot more confusing to set it than my older Nikon, the D80. I don’t know why they made it with so many steps. The manual doesn’t have any directions and neither does the Nikon for Dummies book. Let the truth be known, that some of the directions are there, but it could have been written so much better. But I did finally get it to work so all was well.

It’s been years since I sent out cards. Last year I sent out some, but no photo. I usually just take a picture of my son for my Christmas card, but this is the first year I did the whole family. ❤


I Love My Family

Fall Fun

Dear Parents

Do you ever wonder what happens to your child when you drop them off at Grandma and Grandpa’s house? This is my first try at documentary family portraits. This is only one segment of the day.

This session shows your family’s unique personalities while living in the moment. This is not a perfectly posed session with props; I am documenting your life as it is; who you are at this moment in time.This is a chance to document all of the things that are going on in your house on a regular day. This session is recommended for parents that are willing to show their relationship with their children. This is also great for: young children who often have ‘fake smiles’ in a posed family photo; and an unscripted session day of  fun. It’s also a relaxed alternative for the traditional park session.  In this case, it was a good choice because the boy is very active and never stays still. If you want to go make a short trip to the park, then let’s go! I will show you more places that we went to.

Grandparents would appreciate a session like this because they’re enjoying a day with their grandchild.


Fall Fun

The Best Thing at the Parade

This picture was one of the best things I saw at the 4th of July parade. The parade lasted maybe 30 minutes and it wasn’t very organized. Anyone was allowed to participate so it wasn’t that good. We left the house early incase of traffic. There was no one really at the square waiting for the parade. I guess they knew that the parade was not very good (ha ha!). It also rained and everyone who “reserved” a spot earlier with their blankets got them wet (ha ha!). I like the square because there’s places to eat and shop, but most of the shops were closed that day. It was an ok relaxing day.


The Best Thing at the Parade

Along I-95

Every year my family drove up to NY and NJ to visit our moms. It was a long drive and both me and my husband hated the drive up I-95, but we made the best of it. We usually stopped at the same hotels, restaurants, and rest stops. We no longer take this drive cause my mom has passed and my mother-in-law lives in GA now. It was a relief to do something that we wanted to do for a change. But here are some pics of our car ride.

Along I-95

Times Square

Rule #1: don’t take pictures with the people dressed as a character. They expect a tip in return. Spiderman pretty much grabbed my son and told me to take a picture. Then he proceeded to ask for a tip. We had no change! Ha ha! The other woman that was dressed as a princess didn’t ask for any change. Everyone on Broadway in Times Square will ask you for some change. Everyone has a story, and if they don’t they’ll make one up.

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Times Square

The Blues Brothers

I may have mentioned this, but my 10 year old son likes the song, Rubber Biscuit. I don’t remember how he accessed the song, but he thought it was the funniest song he has ever heard.

Anyway, in Columbus, GA in the historic down town area, we walked passed a store window and we saw Elwood and Jake. I had to explain to my son that these two were the blues Brothers that sang Rubber Biscuit. I thought they were neat.





















































The Blues Brothers

Welcome, 2015!

A friend on FB ask for us to post our most cherished moment in 2014. I couldn’t think of any. My mom died and that was that. I was there with her when she passed. Both of my parents are gone and I had to sell their house. That didn’t make for a cherished moment.

I was mad that me and my mom didn’t become friends like I wanted to. I was mad that people were asking if they can have this and that of my mom’s. I was mad at other things that I can’t write about in this blog, but I am now at peace.

Most of all, I’m glad that mom is no longer suffering. It was hard to see her in such bad condition. I’m glad that she had awesome friends that took care of her when she was sick. I would be so blessed to have friends like she did. I’m glad that it only took 4 months to sell the house. I’m sad that my mom had anxiety and chose not to live life to the fullest.

My dad was depressed when he died. He made up his own heath rules and didn’t listen to the doctor. He had many chances to change and reverse his diabetes, but for whatever reason, he chose not to change. After he retired his health deteriorated. Now that both of my parents are gone there is a sense of emptiness.

I stayed in my mom’s house after she died to clean it out and again, it was just an empty house, very quiet. Someone now lives there. It was the house I grew up in. I do also feel a sense of freedom from my mom’s control. That week that I was by myself in the house it was nice that I didn’t have to tell anyone where I was going; nobody worried. Even as an adult my mom always worried about me, but it was to the point that she wanted to control me. It was awful. When I went to the abandoned building on Long Island, I didn’t have to tell my mom where I was going! I felt free! She would have talked me out of going, like the times she had talked me out of going to the city. I missed out on a lot of things.

Well, I guess that’s the good part; I plan to live my life to the fullest, although it took me until the age of 45 to do this. How sad. I would never wish this life on anyone.

I do have my health, my family, a roof over my head. I’m planning to buy some camera equipment so I can live my life as a photographer. I’m using the money from selling the house to do this. I’m sure my mom is mad about this decision, but hey, I’m living my life now.

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Welcome, 2015!