Merry Christmas!

These photos are of the local mall on Christmas Eve Eve. I had to go and buy my son some pants – he’s been losing some weight! This is a good thing, since he’s on the verge of getting diabetes. One photo is of Santa’s castle, but Santa was on break. The other is just the lights hanging in the mall. The mall wasn’t overly crowded but the traffic outside the mall was meh. But I wanted to go out and get his clothes to get it over with. Now I need to shop for some clothes. I think I ended up gaining my son’s weight this past year. I may be thin, but my middle is telling its own stories.

Tonight I will finish addressing my Christmas cards and I will also be watching the kids at church while their parents go to the service. I decided not to go to the service this year cause  will be working at 7 pm and I wanted to spend some time with my family tonight so we’ll be going to dinner before I go to work. And yes, I did say I need to finish my Christmas cards. It’s been years since I sent any out and now I remember why I hate sending out cards. It’s a shame [being a photographer and all] I didn’t have the time to send out Christmas cards with the family photo on them. I’m kinda bummed about that, but what can you do?

Enough about my drama. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!


mall lights
lmd_santa castle
Santa’s castle
Merry Christmas!

What Can you Find at Walmart?

I’m not talking about what you can purchase, but what can you do to make a simple trip to the store an interesting trip to the store? How can you make your day into something that you want to do and still get your errands completed? Some days you will want to go out and do something fun, but time doesn’t allow for such. My son, noticed these birds hanging out on the wire and they flew to this light fixture which was near my car. And snap! went the camera.


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P.S. There are so many things in the Walmart parking lot to take pictures of. But be careful not to get caught by security! 😉

What Can you Find at Walmart?

Mountain Peak, Before and After

I can’t believe this mountain is only one mile high. It takes forever to climb it. There are many other people that are climbing the mountain too, but in this picture is looks like there is no one there. Also, it seems as soon as I’m ready to take a picture, everyone has to walk in front of me. One dude walked in front of me 3 times and didn’t even realize what I was doing. I know, 1st world problems.







Mountain Peak, Before and After

Paperback Writer

Decatur Book Festival

I never been to it so I went this year. There was a project called Memory Makes Us and we had to write a story either about Neighbors or Hunger. I choose Neighbors. It’s been decades since I typed on a typwritter. I was typing fast and all the keys jumbled up. My pinky was not strong enough to type the letter “A”. I made so many mistakes on my sheet; I wonder if the author was able to read it. If the author liked it, it would be in her book. She probably was not able to read mine. 😦 You can make a memory too by clicking here.


Paperback Writer