The Bead Makers

I was blessed to be asked to photograph these women for all the good they do in the community. I’m doing a series of photos of the Methodist Women. They were making prayer beads for an upcoming Methodist convention in the summer. I like making beads so I really wanted to be on the other side of the camera. 😦

The Bead Makers

End of the School Year

I still haven’t found a way to organize myself. 😦 Like my mom used to say, “Do you think I’m an octopus?” The house is cluttered with books, beads and other junk. And no one knows where the garbage can is (actually they do, because it’s always full and no one empties it).

Anyway, I made these lovely earrings for my son’s teacher. It’s always the  pieces I make for gifts that I want to keep for myself! ❤


End of the School Year


When my friend told me that she had breast cancer, it came as a terrible surprise. My mother-in-law bought a Dammit Doll for her niece and I thought that would be a great gift for my friend so she can let out her aggressions on a doll! So I went to Hallmark to buy one. They didn’t have it, but they did have Cancer Dammit Dolls, which was more awesome! Then I made a necklace for her.

My friend loved it! She kept it in the hospital with her. But she had lost it in the hospital! Luckily, it was found.  And get a doll for my mom as well for Mother’s Day, which I need to do soon.

If you want to get a Dammit Doll look for the link here. 50% of the profits go to cancer research.


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